Teaching Contemporary Turkish Short Story: Learning Activities for “The Man with White Coat” as an Exemplification

Author : Nuray Küçükler Kuşcu
Number of pages : 289-303


A literary genre-focused approach has been conducted in the 2018 Turkish Language and Literature Course Teaching Program. In the program, 12th grades second unit titled short story has been divided into Turkish short story after 1960 and very short story. For this reason, the teaching of contemporary Turkish short story in Turkish language and literature lessons is one of the areas to be considered. The place of Oguz Atay's short story book titled “Waiting for The Fear” is very important in the post-1960 Turkish short story. This book, first published in 1975, consists of eight short stories. One of these short stories is “The Man with White Coat”. The problem of this study is how the activities of the Turkish language and literature lessons should be appropriate for 2018 Turkish Language and Literature Course Teaching Program that has text and literary genre-oriented literature teaching approach. In this direction, it was aimed to suggest learning activities for 12th grade Turkish language and literature lessons by taking “The Man with White Coat”, one of the examples of Turkish short story after 1960, as the center. The survey model was used in the study. Information about contemporary Turkish short story, Oğuz Atay, “The Man with White Coat”, short film and oil painting with the same title, 2018 Turkish Language and Literature Course Teaching Program were obtained by surveying. The collected data were examined, interpreted and applicative learning activities are presented for the purpose of this study.


Contemporary Turkish short story, literature teaching, Oğuz Atay, “The Man with White Coat”

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