Examining the Studies Related with Embedded Instruction Provided by the Implementers to the Children with Developmental Disabilities who Received Staff Training

Author : Özgül Aldemir Fırat -- Yasemin Ergenekon
Number of pages : 63-87


The quality of the education provided to the children with developmental disabilities closely related with the children’s outcomes in the early childhood years. The findings of the research studies reveal that providing teaching procedures appropriate to the settings where children live have benefits. One of these procedures is embedded instruction. In the literature, it can be seen that there are studies showing that implementers who received staff training could implement embedded instruction successfully and affect the outcomes of their students’ positively. In this manuscript, it was aimed to evaluate the studies which examined the effects of embedded instruction provided to children with developmental disabilities by the implementers who received staff training according to “the qualitative criteria of single-subject research studies” and also to make a comprehensive descriptive analysis. Results showed that 16 studies met the criteria of “acceptance”. The results were discussed within the literature framework and some suggestions were presented for the future implementers and researchers.


Staff training, embedded instruction, qualitative criteria in single-subject research, descriptive analysis

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