Ecological Life Attitude Scale: Development, Validity and Reliability

Author : Arzu Önel -- Zeynep YÜCE
Number of pages : 148-164


It is the essence of ecological life to choose the natural and consume only as much as necessary in individual consumption preferences. People's ever-increasing consumption, use of pesticides and egocentric behaviours in their lives harm everything natural. Thus, individuals who have become aware of it have begun to adopt an ecological lifestyle. Using the data obtained from the body of literature and expert opinions, an item pool of 31 items was created and conducted on 173 instructors from Kafkas University. To assess the construct validity of the candidate scale, “Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA)” was conducted using principle component analysis with varimax rotation while Cronbach Alpha coefficient was calculated to assess the reliability of the scale. To test the accuracy of the construct displayed by the EFA, "Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)" was performed. It was found that the items loads vary between .51 and .84. At the end of the development process, "Ecological Life Attitude Scale (ELAS)" with 19 items and 4 factors was created. The factors are consumption, biological diversity, pesticides and egocentrism, and explain 49.54% of the variance.


Ecological, Ecological Life, Attitude Scale, Val

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