Evaluation of Graphic-Table Reading and Creating Skills of Primary School Students in Visual Reading

Author : Müzeyyen Altunbay
Number of pages : 1-19


Graphs and tables, which are indispensable visual materials of the 21st century, are used almost everywhere in education, politics, trade, economics, and technology etc. Hence, the charts and tables have taken place even in educational programs nowadays because of the importance of presentation materials. Acquiring the ability to read and prepare the graphics and tables included in the 2018 Turkish Language Teaching Program is an important part of Turkish education. In this study, it was aimed to measure the ability of elementary school students to read and interpret graphics and tables which are important in visual reading and two dimensional materials in education, and their ability to be able to create appropriate graphics and tables. In this study, which is a qualitative study, the screening model was used. The sample of the study consists of 118 students who are studying in the 8th grade of primary schools in different socioeconomic parts in Giresun. The questions in the form prepared as a data collection tool are prepared for the problem situation of the study and evaluated in two categories. In the form of a total of 6 main questions, there are questions about the ability of students to read and interpret the graphics and tables correctly, as well as the ability to create graphs and tables suitable for the question. In order to analyze data, tables showing the percentage and frequency analysis were created. It has also been noted that interdisciplinarity can be used in the study. As it is known, it is possible to read and interpret many graphics and tables, and to deduce from them, by having basic mathematical skills (addition, subtraction, etc.). For this reason, it was emphasized that the data collection tool should be constructed in such a way as to allow the students to perform an interdisciplinary work by using basic mathematical skills in graphic and table reading and creating stages. According to the results of the research, primary school students are generally good at calculating the value-ratio in the graph as well as creating graphs with the help of the text, and although their table-creating skills are weak, table reading and interpretation skills are generally good.


Turkish education, visual reading, graphics and table reading, reading education.

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