The Effectiveness of ACT based Psycho-Education Program on Social Media Disorder

Author : Mustafa Ercengiz
Number of pages : 23-31


In this research, the effect of the psychoeducation program based on the ACT on the social media disorder/addiction of the individuals is examined. A sample of the study 2017-2018 Academic year In the province of Ağrı province, education was determined by voluntary assignment among volunteer individuals. The Social Media Disorder scale was used to identify the participants and after the interview with the participants with the highest score, the participants were voluntarily assigned to the research groups by lottery method (experiment n = 14, control n = 14). The split-plot pattern was used in the study 2x3 (experimental / control groups X pre-test / post-test / follow-up test). The Social Media Disability Scale (adapted by the prosecutor, Savcı, Ercengiz and Aysan (2017) developed by van den Eijnden, Lemmens and Valkenburg (2016) as a means of collecting data in the survey was used for the Social Media Disability Questionnaire and the Personal Information Form developed by the researcher (PIF) was applied. According to the findings obtained from the research; The intervention * time effect was determined to be significant in Social Media Disorder. Bonferroni compatible multiple comparison tests and variance analysis were used to determine the source of variation between groups in social disorder. According to the findings ACT-oriented social disorder of individuals psychoeducation programs / significant decreases in addiction on the form and it was determined that this decline continued in the monitoring test. Findings obtained within the scope of the research were discussed and suggested.


Psychoeducation, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Social Media Disorder

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