Emotion Management Behaviors Of Administrators İn Terms Of Management Processes

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Year-Number: 2017-Volume 9, Issue 1
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Emotions and emotive modalities take very salient place in one’s life. As a fact, emotions can become determinants for one’s processes of will and volition, for one’s praxes and act(ion)s, as well as for shaping one’s behaviors with respect to the future. What is more, emotions would, to a great extent, affect the nature and expression of behavior; therefore, it is quintessentially important to get this in the aim to understand behaviors within the sphere of organization. Concisely, emotions that comprise salient places within the work settings of contemporary organizations are highly noteworthy in terms of the overarching role at universities where the workforce and cognition-power of the future will be brought up. This study aims to investigate the ways and the means that are put into practice by university administrators to manage academics’ emotions. In line with this purpose, the study was designed a descriptive study by using quantitative methodology. The Scale for the Attitudes of Emotions Management from Administrative Processes was developed and applied during a data collection process. The data were collected by sending e-mails to 47,000 academic staff accessing their contact infornmation from the ARBIS (Researcher Information System) between June and July, 2012. Totally 4,843 academics responded the online survey. After data purification, the answers of 4,375 respondents were included in the final data set. During the analysis, t-test and One-Way Anova analysis techniques were carried out. The findings of the study reported that academics do not believe that their administrators have abilities to manage their emotions effectively. As a result, administrators’ behaviors related to emotion management are very important; thereby, administrators’ duties related to emotion management are also very critical. To effectively manage staff’s emotions, administrators have to gain emotion management skills; hence, their abilities related to emotion management should be developed by providing different trainings and practical-based programs.



Emotions and emotive modalities take very salient place in one’s life. As a fact, emotions can become determinants for one’s processes of will and volition, for one’s praxes and act(ion)s, as well as for shaping one’s behaviors with respect to the future. What is more, emotions would, to a great extent, affect the nature and expression of behavior; therefore, it is quintessentially important to get this in the aim to understand behaviors within the sphere of organization. Concisely, emotions that comprise salient places within the work settings of contemporary organizations are highly noteworthy in terms of the overarching role at universities where the workforce and cognition-power of the future will be brought up. This study aims to investigate the ways and the means that are put into practice by university administrators to manage academics’ emotions. In line with this purpose, the study was designed a descriptive study by using quantitative methodology. The Scale for the Attitudes of Emotions Management from Administrative Processes was developed and applied during a data collection process. The data were collected by sending e-mails to 47,000 academic staff accessing their contact infornmation from the ARBIS (Researcher Information System) between June and July, 2012. Totally 4,843 academics responded the online survey. After data purification, the answers of 4,375 respondents were included in the final data set. During the analysis, t-test and One-Way Anova analysis techniques were carried out. The findings of the study reported that academics do not believe that their administrators have abilities to manage their emotions effectively. As a result, administrators’ behaviors related to emotion management are very important; thereby, administrators’ duties related to emotion management are also very critical. To effectively manage staff’s emotions, administrators have to gain emotion management skills; hence, their abilities related to emotion management should be developed by providing different trainings and practical-based programs.


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