The Place of Women History in the Current History Textbooks in Turkey

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 2
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This study analyzing the place of women history in current secondary education history textbooks in Turkey is based on case study. The analyzed history textbooks are Secondary Education History 9, 10, 11, Turkish Republic Revolution History and Kemalism and Contemporary Turkish and World History. Content analysis is used in the analysis of the data and the place of women in the historical events presented in the textbooks is assessed through content analysis. As the textbooks are shaped by curriculum, it is found out that an independent women history is not given. Within the history subjects, the subjects related with women history is seen through text, historical characters or as an expression within the subject. It is also found out that women are visible within the history subjects in the history textbooks; however this rate is not enough. The most prevalent role represented by women in secondary education history textbooks is mother and wife in Turkey. The state leadership and direction of the female warriors are discussed in the textbooks. Women are also found out to be given as writer; artist, sportswomen and nurse in the textbooks, but their roles in economy are not given. In this study it is found that although women history is limited in the current secondary education history textbooks in Turkey, some certain roles taken and given by women are stand on.



This study analyzing the place of women history in current secondary education history textbooks in Turkey is based on case study. The analyzed history textbooks are Secondary Education History 9, 10, 11, Turkish Republic Revolution History and Kemalism and Contemporary Turkish and World History. Content analysis is used in the analysis of the data and the place of women in the historical events presented in the textbooks is assessed through content analysis. As the textbooks are shaped by curriculum, it is found out that an independent women history is not given. Within the history subjects, the subjects related with women history is seen through text, historical characters or as an expression within the subject. It is also found out that women are visible within the history subjects in the history textbooks; however this rate is not enough. The most prevalent role represented by women in secondary education history textbooks is mother and wife in Turkey. The state leadership and direction of the female warriors are discussed in the textbooks. Women are also found out to be given as writer; artist, sportswomen and nurse in the textbooks, but their roles in economy are not given. In this study it is found that although women history is limited in the current secondary education history textbooks in Turkey, some certain roles taken and given by women are stand on.


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