Mersin University Prospective Teachers’ Opinions Relating to the FATİH Project

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 2
Language : null
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The goal of this research is to examine the opinions of prospective teachers relating to the FATİH project. The research is a survey based descriptive type study. The sample group was formed of 126 4th grade prospective teachers in the 2012-2013 education year at Mersin University, Education Faculty. An “Opinions Relating to the FATİH Project Form” was developed by the researchers as a data collection tool. Content qualitative analysis was used to analyse the data. The data were controlled by two researchers independently and grouped. The similarities and differences were analysed and the themes were created. Finally, the researchers reached these conclusions: Prospective teachers think that instructional processes that are applied under the FATIH Project will be effective and productive and a constructivist approach can be applied by the project. Furthermore, they remarked that the project might provide a rapid way to reach knowledge and high-motivation for the students and would allow students and teachers to be more active. As a result, prospective teachers expressed that the FATİH Project was a basis on which technology is integrated and a useful, qualified, modern system.



The goal of this research is to examine the opinions of prospective teachers relating to the FATİH project. The research is a survey based descriptive type study. The sample group was formed of 126 4th grade prospective teachers in the 2012-2013 education year at Mersin University, Education Faculty. An “Opinions Relating to the FATİH Project Form” was developed by the researchers as a data collection tool. Content qualitative analysis was used to analyse the data. The data were controlled by two researchers independently and grouped. The similarities and differences were analysed and the themes were created. Finally, the researchers reached these conclusions: Prospective teachers think that instructional processes that are applied under the FATIH Project will be effective and productive and a constructivist approach can be applied by the project. Furthermore, they remarked that the project might provide a rapid way to reach knowledge and high-motivation for the students and would allow students and teachers to be more active. As a result, prospective teachers expressed that the FATİH Project was a basis on which technology is integrated and a useful, qualified, modern system.


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