The Opinions of Students toward Curriculum of Distance Education Non-Thesis Master

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Year-Number: 2014-Volume 6, Issue 2
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The main aim of the study is to evaluate the functionality of curriculum Distance Education Non-thesis Master according to students’ opinions. Based on the main aim of the research, the sub-problems are how much teaching-learning process is reached its objectives and what the benefits, quality, and gains of the Distance Education Non-thesis Master are according to students’ opinions. The study group of the research was consisted of 23 students. Research method is triangulation method. For quantitative data “Non- thesis Master’s Program Evaluation Questionnaire” which was developed by researchers. For qualitative data structured interview was used. The following results were obtained: 1- The quality of the program is high. 2- The contribution of the program concentrated mostly on increasing of the student perspective. 3- The students enrolled in the program for the reason of improving themselves. 4- There is no meaningful difference between the quality and gains of the program and the causes of the enrollment in the program in terms of gender, marital status, workplace, age, current status and length of work. 5- The most advantageous feature of the program is that there is no time and place limitation. The most disadvantageous feature is that the program is superficial and it does not give a chance to face-to-face interaction. 6- The participants’ views on the expectation and satisfaction level are the increase of educational qualification and gaining more than the expectations. 7- The contributions of the program to the participants are the increase of teaching profession and the increase of the interest to the field.



The main aim of the study is to evaluate the functionality of curriculum Distance Education Non-thesis Master according to students’ opinions. Based on the main aim of the research, the sub-problems are how much teaching-learning process is reached its objectives and what the benefits, quality, and gains of the Distance Education Non-thesis Master are according to students’ opinions. The study group of the research was consisted of 23 students. Research method is triangulation method. For quantitative data “Non- thesis Master’s Program Evaluation Questionnaire” which was developed by researchers. For qualitative data structured interview was used. The following results were obtained: 1- The quality of the program is high. 2- The contribution of the program concentrated mostly on increasing of the student perspective. 3- The students enrolled in the program for the reason of improving themselves. 4- There is no meaningful difference between the quality and gains of the program and the causes of the enrollment in the program in terms of gender, marital status, workplace, age, current status and length of work. 5- The most advantageous feature of the program is that there is no time and place limitation. The most disadvantageous feature is that the program is superficial and it does not give a chance to face-to-face interaction. 6- The participants’ views on the expectation and satisfaction level are the increase of educational qualification and gaining more than the expectations. 7- The contributions of the program to the participants are the increase of teaching profession and the increase of the interest to the field.


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