The Example of a Study of Socio-Cultural Education at the Early Childhood: Architect Sinan

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Year-Number: 2012-Volume 4, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


This study aims to build an example that shows children in early childhood can learn historical Turkish figures taken place in their culture within the framework of socio cultural education. Because the idea of difficulty for children in understanding concepts and facts about past in this period, also reflected in pre-school programs. For this reason objectives about important historical Turkish figures who lived in the past are not included in programs. It is important to demonstrate the lack of that situation in the program. To resolve these deficiency activities were carried out in a kindergarten in the age group of 6 by developing appropriate pre-school activities for 2 weeks related to Architect Sinan who provided important contributions to Turkey with his works. In this study which is carried out with action research pattern of qualitative research methods, 5 activities prepared about Architect Sinan were applied 16 students in the early childhood period. A month after the application children were interviewed by asking questions that were prepared on the subject. Documents, observation records and interview questions obtained from application process were subjected to descriptive analysis and data analysis is carried out. Thus, it was investigated that learning Architect Sinan is possible or not and through which activities learning can occur. At the end of the study, it is determined that when the appropriate activities are prepared children in the early childhood can learn historical Turkish figures who lived in the past and provided socio-cultural contributions to our nation. A month after applying activities, 14 of 16 students remembered the Architect Sinan and his works and appreciated him. In addition, it is seen that these activities activate children’s problem solving skills, aesthetic feelings and persistent imagination. Therefore, it is proposed to include socio cultural activities for early childhood programs, enrichment of samples of events in this regard, training of early childhood educators in this direction, and providing materials such as song, ront, visuals in addition to cartoons, movie productions to the educators of this period.



This study aims to build an example that shows children in early childhood can learn historical Turkish figures taken place in their culture within the framework of socio cultural education. Because the idea of difficulty for children in understanding concepts and facts about past in this period, also reflected in pre-school programs. For this reason objectives about important historical Turkish figures who lived in the past are not included in programs. It is important to demonstrate the lack of that situation in the program. To resolve these deficiency activities were carried out in a kindergarten in the age group of 6 by developing appropriate pre-school activities for 2 weeks related to Architect Sinan who provided important contributions to Turkey with his works. In this study which is carried out with action research pattern of qualitative research methods, 5 activities prepared about Architect Sinan were applied 16 students in the early childhood period. A month after the application children were interviewed by asking questions that were prepared on the subject. Documents, observation records and interview questions obtained from application process were subjected to descriptive analysis and data analysis is carried out. Thus, it was investigated that learning Architect Sinan is possible or not and through which activities learning can occur. At the end of the study, it is determined that when the appropriate activities are prepared children in the early childhood can learn historical Turkish figures who lived in the past and provided socio-cultural contributions to our nation. A month after applying activities, 14 of 16 students remembered the Architect Sinan and his works and appreciated him. In addition, it is seen that these activities activate children’s problem solving skills, aesthetic feelings and persistent imagination. Therefore, it is proposed to include socio cultural activities for early childhood programs, enrichment of samples of events in this regard, training of early childhood educators in this direction, and providing materials such as song, ront, visuals in addition to cartoons, movie productions to the educators of this period.


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