Gender role perception, empathic tendency and psychological stability in predicting life satisfaction among Turkish university students

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Year-Number: 2021-Volume 13, Issue 4
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-07-13 14:55:23.0
Language : English
Konu : Counseling Psychology
Number of pages: 1254-1268
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


This study aimed to investigate whether gender role perception, empathic tendency, and resilience of Turkish university students are indicators of their life satisfaction in terms of their genders. Using the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Gender Socialization Scale, the Empathic Tendency Scale, and the Adult Psychological Resilience Scale, we collected data from 336 female and 123 male students. Data analysis revealed that males had significantly higher traditional gender perceptions than females, whereas females had significantly higher empathic tendency, resilience, and life satisfaction levels. We concluded that, resilience, empathic tendency, and traditional gender perception explained life satisfaction scores of the students. The order of importance of predictive variables on life satisfaction was resilience, empathic tendency, and traditional gender perception. The multiple regression analysis showed that three variables significantly contributed to life satisfaction in general. The order of relative importance of predictive variables for life satisfaction was resilience, empathic tendency, and traditional gender role perception.



This study aimed to investigate whether gender role perception, empathic tendency, and resilience of Turkish university students are indicators of their life satisfaction in terms of their genders. Using the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Gender Socialization Scale, the Empathic Tendency Scale, and the Adult Psychological Resilience Scale, we collected data from 336 female and 123 male students. Data analysis revealed that males had significantly higher traditional gender perceptions than females, whereas females had significantly higher empathic tendency, resilience, and life satisfaction levels. We concluded that, resilience, empathic tendency, and traditional gender perception explained life satisfaction scores of the students. The order of importance of predictive variables on life satisfaction was resilience, empathic tendency, and traditional gender perception. The multiple regression analysis showed that three variables significantly contributed to life satisfaction in general. The order of relative importance of predictive variables for life satisfaction was resilience, empathic tendency, and traditional gender role perception.


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