The Impact of Cooperative Learning Activities in Turkish Courses on 21st Century Learning and Innovation Skills Development

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Year-Number: 2021-Volume 13, Issue 5
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-08-31 13:39:57.0
Language : İngilizce
Konu : Türkçe Eğitimi
Number of pages: 1539-1559
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




This study aims to develop students’ creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills, which are included in 21st-century learning and innovation skills, through cooperative learning activities in Turkish courses. Utilizing the embedded mixed methods, the study was managed with 66 students in the 6th grade from a secondary school in Bolu.  In the quantitative dimension of the study, pre-test and post-test control group quasi-experimental design was used. Moreover, to incorporate the participants’ views and perspectives into the experimental results, the qualitative data collected through observation, interview, and student diary were utilized. The pretests were administered in the fall of the academic years, 2018-2019, and then, a 13-week qualitative data collection procedure was followed. After completing the implementations, the participants were posttested. Accordingly, the study revealed that the Turkish courses implemented according to cooperative learning activities contributed to the students’ collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and creativity skills development as well as all the dimensions related to these skills.


  • This study aims to develop collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and creativity skills, whichare included in 21st century learning and innovation skills. The quantitative and qualitative data collectedthrough the mixed-methods were utilized together to reach any conclusion or to generate any interpretations.Regarding the first question of the study, the students in the experimental group displayed meaningfuland significant progress in the dimensions of critical thinking skill (distinguishing knowledge, makinginferences, evaluating sources, autonomous learning, and communication). Similarly, a significantimprovement in all the dimensions of communication skill, which are introduction, content, conclusion, voiceand mannerism, audience, purpose, using aids related to speaking, and body language, questions,interpretation related to listening, was detected. Considering creativity skill, the students’ creativity scalescores showed their significant change regarding all the dimensions as fluency, flexibility, evaluation, risk-taking, seeking challenges, and elaboration. Therefore, it is concluded that Turkish courses implemented dueto cooperative learning activities seem to contribute to the students’ development of collaboration, criticalthinking, communication, and creativity skills as well as all the dimensions related to these skills. These resultsindicate an agreement with other studies (Güngör Kılıç, 2004; Gümüş & Buluç, 2007; Uysal, 2009; Eskitürk, 2009; Kırbaş, 2010; Arısoy & Tarım, 2013; Bilgin, Aktaş & Çetin, 2014; Ekinci, 2018).

  • The findings on the second research questions revealed that the experimental group displayed asignificant change compared to the control group regarding collaboration skill, which also shares similaritieswith the previous studies on cooperative learning (Güngör Kılıç, 2004; Gümüş & Buluç, 2007; Eskitürk, 2009; Uysal, 2009; Kırbaş, 2010; Arısoy & Tarım, 2013; Bilgin, Aktaş & Çetin, 2014; Ekinci, 2018).

  • The results appear to agree with the studies (Çörek, 2006; Susar Kırmızı, 2006; Arısoy & Tarım, 2013;Bilgin, Aktaş & Çetin, 2014; Kösterelioğlu, 2014; Purwanto, Mustaji, Prasetyo, Pamungkas & Sukarman, 2018),and with the previous studies on cooperative learning model (Yıldırım, 2010; Yönez, 2012; Kardaş, 2013;Pateşan, Balagiu & Zechia, 2016; Vhalery & Nofriansyah, 2018). The cooperative learning model not onlyprovides a pleasant environment for learning but also supports students in terms of building interactions,social relationships and removing gender and status bias. Moreover, this model decreases the psychologicalproblems as it enables students to build positive relationships in groups. It also supports the students withlearning problems to catch up with their peers. Students can improve cognitive skills such as problem-solving,divergent thinking, creativity as well as collaboration skills like organizing the group works, sharing the works equally, trusting each other for production.

  • Considering the current studies, Önal's (2020) conclusion that collaborative work increases persuasiveand individual writing success and students develop positive attitudes towards collaborative learning isconsistent with the results of this study. Arı (2020) stated that cooperative teaching techniques are effective inthe acquisition of values such as responsibility and benevolence; The result that it contributes to thedevelopment of basic skills such as communication, cooperation and social participation also supports theresults of this study. In another study, as stated by Ünal and Çakır (2021), "students can both learn the coursecontent permanently and acquire the skills that are expressed as 21st century skills that are required today." results of this study are similar.

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