The Impact of Teaching Fractions with the Interdisciplinary Approach on the Learning of 1st Grade Elementary School Students

Author : Zeynep Doğan -- Aylin Arıcı
Number of pages : 1-19


Nowadays, the education environment growing individuals who will shape the society becomes a current issue with its new needs and quests. Interdisciplinary approach training individuals who transfer and analyse the information about a disciplinary approach to the other disciplines comes into prominence at this point. The purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of interdisciplinary approach on the learning of math subjects by applying to students’ views. In the study, contents of different disciplines were gathered together and planned. The activities which were prepared in accordance with the student's level were applied in sequence in all courses. In the study; in the teaching of fractions at the elementary level, the activities are planned based on the interdisciplinary approach and the data obtained during the teaching are presented in detail. Qualitative research design was used in the study and the study was prepared based on the case study method. The sample of the study consists of 40 students studying in the first grade of a state school in Istanbul. Data was gathered with observation and semi-structured interview. In the analysis of the data, descriptive analysis method was used. Fractions were taught with appropriate activities for interdisciplinary approach during a week by homeroom teacher. The students were observed throughout the process, the observations were noted with their dates and were evaluated. At the end of the process, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten selected students. In the research, it has been found that the students found the courses that are processed with the interdisciplinary approach fun and that this approach facilitates the learning of the subject.


interdisciplinary approach; elementary mathematics education, fractions

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