Assessment of The Two Most Watched Films In 2019 In Terms Of The Learning Outcomes For The Secondary Education Religious Culture And Moral Knowledge Course

Author : Veda Yar Yıldırım
Number of pages : 68-80


The aim of this study was to assess the positive and negative aspects of scenes and dialogues in the three most watched Turkish films of the previous year in terms of the “moral learning outcomes “required in the secondary curriculum for the Religious Education and Moral Knowledge course. In the research, the case study approach, one of the qualitative research designs, was used, and document analysis was conducted. The criterion sampling method, one of purposeful sampling methods used in qualitative research, was used in order to determine the sample of the research. In this study, the criterion was the number of tickets sold and the three most watched films in 2019 in Turkey were examined. These data were obtained from the “Box Office Turkey” organization. It was decided to reduce the number of films to two to eliminate the possibility of bias. It was concluded that there were both positive and negative scenes and dialogues in the films, but the total number of negative scenes and dialogues was more than that of positive scenes and dialogues. It was observed that the use of slang in the films was most incompatible with the moral learning outcomes. Given these results, activities to increase the awareness of families and educational professionals about the impact of the external world on education could be conducted. The Board of Education and Discipline could also promote films that offer more fertile ground for moral learning outcomes.


Curriculum, morality, learning outcomes, cinema

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