The Effect of Teaching Practice Conducted by Using Metacognition Strategies on Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills

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Year-Number: 2014-Volume 6, Issue 2
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Konu : null


The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of teaching practise conducted by using metacognitive strategies on students’ reading comprehension skills at Turkish language course. For this purpose, this study has been carried out with 65 students at 5th grade of secondary education in 2012–2013 academic year. In the research, pre-test post-test control group design of experiment method has been used. While the subjects have been taught to students in experimental group by using metacognitive strategies in addition to teacher’s book, the same subjects have been taught to students in control group as they are stated within the curriculum and teacher’s book. The study took a total of 6 weeks. As data collection tool, Achievement Test For Measuring Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills which was developed by the researcher to determine the effect of metacognitive strategies on students’ reading comprehension skills was used. As a result of the reliability and validity studies, the reliability coefficient of the test was found to be 0.91, the average difficulty was found to be 0.64. At the end of the research, at teaching practice in which metacognitive strategies(planning, monitoring and regulation) were used, a significant increase on students’ reading comprehension skills was found in favor of the experimental group.



The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of teaching practise conducted by using metacognitive strategies on students’ reading comprehension skills at Turkish language course. For this purpose, this study has been carried out with 65 students at 5th grade of secondary education in 2012–2013 academic year. In the research, pre-test post-test control group design of experiment method has been used. While the subjects have been taught to students in experimental group by using metacognitive strategies in addition to teacher’s book, the same subjects have been taught to students in control group as they are stated within the curriculum and teacher’s book. The study took a total of 6 weeks. As data collection tool, Achievement Test For Measuring Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills which was developed by the researcher to determine the effect of metacognitive strategies on students’ reading comprehension skills was used. As a result of the reliability and validity studies, the reliability coefficient of the test was found to be 0.91, the average difficulty was found to be 0.64. At the end of the research, at teaching practice in which metacognitive strategies(planning, monitoring and regulation) were used, a significant increase on students’ reading comprehension skills was found in favor of the experimental group.


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