Distinctive Characteristics of Flourishing, Self-Esteem and Emotional Approach Coping to Mood (Pages: 30 - 40)

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Year-Number: 2014-Volume 6, Issue 1
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Konu : null


After validity and reliability of The Brief Mood Introspection Scale has been studied, participants who took place in the study and whose mood is low and high has been detected; and the sensibility level of self-esteem, flourishing and emotional approach coping for these participants has been studied. In total 316 students who receive education at the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Science and Literature at Adnan Menderes University in the fall semester of 2012-2013 school year took place in the study and 172 of them were women (54.40%) and 144 of them were men (45.60%). In the study The Brief Mood Introspection Scale, Self-Esteem Scale (Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale), Flourishing Scale, Emotional Approach Coping Scale and personal information form were used for collecting data. According to the result that was obtained by the study in which university students were participant, it was found that The Brief Mood Introspection Scale is a valid and reliable scale. It was found that mood which is positive and tends to provide pleasure is positively associated with self-esteem at the highest level and then it is positively associated with emotional approach coping and flourishing. It was detected that in order to make distinction participants of the study who were on positive and negative mood; self-esteem, flourishing and emotional approach coping have necessary adequateness for discriminant analysis. According to the result of discriminant analysis it was concluded that the most effective factor for making a distinction between participants who are pleasant for their mood and who are not, is self-esteem; and flourishing and emotional approach coping follow it.



After validity and reliability of The Brief Mood Introspection Scale has been studied, participants who took place in the study and whose mood is low and high has been detected; and the sensibility level of self-esteem, flourishing and emotional approach coping for these participants has been studied. In total 316 students who receive education at the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Science and Literature at Adnan Menderes University in the fall semester of 2012-2013 school year took place in the study and 172 of them were women (54.40%) and 144 of them were men (45.60%). In the study The Brief Mood Introspection Scale, Self-Esteem Scale (Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale), Flourishing Scale, Emotional Approach Coping Scale and personal information form were used for collecting data. According to the result that was obtained by the study in which university students were participant, it was found that The Brief Mood Introspection Scale is a valid and reliable scale. It was found that mood which is positive and tends to provide pleasure is positively associated with self-esteem at the highest level and then it is positively associated with emotional approach coping and flourishing. It was detected that in order to make distinction participants of the study who were on positive and negative mood; self-esteem, flourishing and emotional approach coping have necessary adequateness for discriminant analysis. According to the result of discriminant analysis it was concluded that the most effective factor for making a distinction between participants who are pleasant for their mood and who are not, is self-esteem; and flourishing and emotional approach coping follow it.


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