The analysis of Student- and Teacher-Centered Pedagogic Processes in Science Classes Using Student Notebooks

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Year-Number: 2019-Volume 11, Issue 4
Language : null
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Number of pages: 237-259
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The aim of this study was to analyse the teacher- and student-sourced pedagogic processes in 8th grade science classes using student notebooks. A total of 37 student science notebooks, which were collected from 13 secondary schools in Kars (Turkey) city centre during the 2017/8 academic year, were analysed. The investigation followed a case study approach. The researchers independently analysed student notebooks following a descriptive analysis technique and using a coding scheme. The findings showed that teacher-centered pedagogic processes mainly included dictating definitions and providing examples. On the other hand, the only student-centered pedagogic process was found to be revisions of learning units. The results suggested that the range of pedagogies reflected in student notebooks were limited. The present study showed that student notebooks can be an important evaluation method in determining teacher and student-centered processes in order to develop scientific understanding in science classes.


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