“formulaic Words” Used By Pre-service Turkish Language Teachers In Their Daily Lives

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Year-Number: 2017-Volume 9, Issue 3
Language : null
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The vocabulary of a language does not only consist of words belonging to this language. In the whole vocabulary of a language, there are also linguistic units such as proverbs, idioms, formulaic words and terms. Of these linguistic units, proverbs and idioms have been subjected to a great deal of research interest; however, the research focusing on formulaic words is quite limited. Formulaic words are one of the cliché linguistic units stemming from the living style of a society and at the same time organizing interpersonal relationships in the society. The vocabulary repertoire started to be built in the family and social environment is then expected to be systematically expanded in the educational settings particularly in Turkish language teaching settings. Thus, the main purpose of the current study was set to be to determine the extent to which pre-service Turkish language teachers make use of formulaic words in their daily lives. For this purpose, “Formulaic Words Use Test” was administered to a total of 173 students (103 females and 70 males) attending the Department of Turkish Language Teacher Education at the Education Faculty of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in the spring term of 2015-2016 academic year to determine the formulaic words they use in their daily lives. The findings of the study showed that female pre-service teachers use more formulaic words than the male pre-service teachers and moreover, the formulaic words used by the pre-service teachers are listed according to their contexts.



The vocabulary of a language does not only consist of words belonging to this language. In the whole vocabulary of a language, there are also linguistic units such as proverbs, idioms, formulaic words and terms. Of these linguistic units, proverbs and idioms have been subjected to a great deal of research interest; however, the research focusing on formulaic words is quite limited. Formulaic words are one of the cliché linguistic units stemming from the living style of a society and at the same time organizing interpersonal relationships in the society. The vocabulary repertoire started to be built in the family and social environment is then expected to be systematically expanded in the educational settings particularly in Turkish language teaching settings. Thus, the main purpose of the current study was set to be to determine the extent to which pre-service Turkish language teachers make use of formulaic words in their daily lives. For this purpose, “Formulaic Words Use Test” was administered to a total of 173 students (103 females and 70 males) attending the Department of Turkish Language Teacher Education at the Education Faculty of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in the spring term of 2015-2016 academic year to determine the formulaic words they use in their daily lives. The findings of the study showed that female pre-service teachers use more formulaic words than the male pre-service teachers and moreover, the formulaic words used by the pre-service teachers are listed according to their contexts.


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