The Evaluation Of The Postgraduate Thesis Written In Special Training Area In The Way Of Language Education And Language Teaching

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Year-Number: 2017-Volume 9, Issue 2
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The study is intended to examine in terms of language training and education of postgraduate thesis written in special education content analysis method is used.The study includes the postgraduate thesis written in department speacial education which studies on language teaching (the year between 2000-2016). Analyzed thesis have been reached from the National Council of Higher Education to the central databas. The data obtained by descriptive statistical methods frequency (f) and percentage (%) values are calculated. In this study special education in language learning and teaching on the post ( n = 81) are reached in written postgraduate thesis. The thesis are analysed according to area of year, institutes, universities, subjects, departments, target audience, methods, data collection tools, language teaching and conclusions are presented by pictures and graphics.



The study is intended to examine in terms of language training and education of postgraduate thesis written in special education content analysis method is used.The study includes the postgraduate thesis written in department speacial education which studies on language teaching (the year between 2000-2016). Analyzed thesis have been reached from the National Council of Higher Education to the central databas. The data obtained by descriptive statistical methods frequency (f) and percentage (%) values are calculated. In this study special education in language learning and teaching on the post ( n = 81) are reached in written postgraduate thesis. The thesis are analysed according to area of year, institutes, universities, subjects, departments, target audience, methods, data collection tools, language teaching and conclusions are presented by pictures and graphics.


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