An Analysis Of Candidate Teachers’ Scientific Epistemological Beliefs And Values

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Year-Number: 2017-Volume 9, Issue 1
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he aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the candidate teachers' epistemological beliefs and values. In addition, the analysis of the change of scientific epistemological beliefs and values depending on the situation of taking a course related to gender, department, type of instruction, and the nature of science is subgoals. The method of research is descriptive. Population is senior students in Amasya University, Faculty of Education in 2010-2011 academic years. The sample of the research consists of 199 women, 143 men a total of 342 candidate teachers who study in the Teaching Departments of Science, Mathematics, Primary School, Preschool, Social Sciences and Turkish. Data collection tool used in the research consists of demographic characteristics, Schwartz Value List and Scientific Epistemological Beliefs Scale., developed by Pomeroy. The statistical packaged software has been used in data analysis and descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Analysis, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests have been applied. When candidate teachers' Scientific Epistemological Beliefs were examined, it has been found that the sample has a constructivist belief. In this study it was identified that there is no significant difference in their epistemological beliefs depending on the courses related to nature of the science they have taken, gender and type of education. SBE varies according to the departments of the candidate teachers. According to their study, epistemological beliefs change as a function of an academic field. When the value preferences of the sample were analyzed, it was seen that highest grades were received in the self-transcendence dimension. Then conservation can be mentioned. So candidate teachers are giving more importance to the values of universality and benevolence. According to the gender variant, significant differences were determined in candidate teachers' self-monitoring, universality, benevolence, and conformity and security value dimensions. According to the type of education it has been determined that there is no significant difference in the value preferences of candidate teachers. When value dimensions of candidate teachers are compared depending on their departments, only significant difference was determined in terms of adaptation and tradition. This difference is in favor of social areas. When the relationship between epistemological beliefs and values studied; a significant positive low level correlation has been identified between arousal, self-direction, universalism, benevolence and conformity dimensions and scientific epistemological beliefs.



he aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the candidate teachers' epistemological beliefs and values. In addition, the analysis of the change of scientific epistemological beliefs and values depending on the situation of taking a course related to gender, department, type of instruction, and the nature of science is subgoals. The method of research is descriptive. Population is senior students in Amasya University, Faculty of Education in 2010-2011 academic years. The sample of the research consists of 199 women, 143 men a total of 342 candidate teachers who study in the Teaching Departments of Science, Mathematics, Primary School, Preschool, Social Sciences and Turkish. Data collection tool used in the research consists of demographic characteristics, Schwartz Value List and Scientific Epistemological Beliefs Scale., developed by Pomeroy. The statistical packaged software has been used in data analysis and descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Analysis, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests have been applied. When candidate teachers' Scientific Epistemological Beliefs were examined, it has been found that the sample has a constructivist belief. In this study it was identified that there is no significant difference in their epistemological beliefs depending on the courses related to nature of the science they have taken, gender and type of education. SBE varies according to the departments of the candidate teachers. According to their study, epistemological beliefs change as a function of an academic field. When the value preferences of the sample were analyzed, it was seen that highest grades were received in the self-transcendence dimension. Then conservation can be mentioned. So candidate teachers are giving more importance to the values of universality and benevolence. According to the gender variant, significant differences were determined in candidate teachers' self-monitoring, universality, benevolence, and conformity and security value dimensions. According to the type of education it has been determined that there is no significant difference in the value preferences of candidate teachers. When value dimensions of candidate teachers are compared depending on their departments, only significant difference was determined in terms of adaptation and tradition. This difference is in favor of social areas. When the relationship between epistemological beliefs and values studied; a significant positive low level correlation has been identified between arousal, self-direction, universalism, benevolence and conformity dimensions and scientific epistemological beliefs.


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