Effects Of Lectures With Powerpoint Or Prezi Presentations On Cognitive Load, Remembering And Conceptual Learning

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


The purpose of this study is to investigate comparatively the effects of two types of presentations created by PowerPoint or Prezi, which are used during lectures at the higher education level on the students' cognitive load, remembering level of learning, and conceptual learning. Presentations prepared by PowerPoint has linear slides with limited canvas, while Prezi lets non-linear, multiple paths and unlimited canvas design. This study is a quasi-experimental design. The participants are 56 university students enrolled in a Computer Programming program at a vocational school. Data were collected using the Cognitive Load Scale, achievement tests and concept maps. According to the results, students lectured by presentations created by Prezi have got more conceptual learning and less cognitive load while teaching computer network systems content. Remembering level of learning by measured by achievement test did not significantly differed across the groups. Prezi may be a better alternative for more conceptual learning and reducing cognitive load.



The purpose of this study is to investigate comparatively the effects of two types of presentations created by PowerPoint or Prezi, which are used during lectures at the higher education level on the students' cognitive load, remembering level of learning, and conceptual learning. Presentations prepared by PowerPoint has linear slides with limited canvas, while Prezi lets non-linear, multiple paths and unlimited canvas design. This study is a quasi-experimental design. The participants are 56 university students enrolled in a Computer Programming program at a vocational school. Data were collected using the Cognitive Load Scale, achievement tests and concept maps. According to the results, students lectured by presentations created by Prezi have got more conceptual learning and less cognitive load while teaching computer network systems content. Remembering level of learning by measured by achievement test did not significantly differed across the groups. Prezi may be a better alternative for more conceptual learning and reducing cognitive load.


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