Examination Of Primary School Handball Player’s Reasons For Starting Sport And Life Satisfactions

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 3
Language : null
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The purpose of this study is to determine the reasons for starting sport and life satisfaction of primary school handball players according to some variables. In study, triple questionnaire form was used for collecting data. It was composed of personal information form which consists of fourteen questions ın the first part, Life Satisfaction Scale which was adapted in Turkish by Yetim in 1993 in the second part and Participation Motivation Questionnaire which was adapted in Turkish by Mülazımoğlu, et al. in 2001 in the third part. For comparisons more than two groups Kruskal Wallis variance analysis, in bilateral comparisons Bonferroni Mann Whitney U tests were used in the study. Spearman Correlation analysis was done for the level of relationships between Participation Motivation Questionnaire and Life satisfaction. While study population was composed of 14 province of turkey from seven regions by taking two big cities from the each region, sample group was occurred with 350 girls and 350 boys in total 700 primary student handball players. When the primary school handball player’s sport participating subscale was determined; region, sport age, number of brother, parents education and income variables were found significant (p<0.05). When distribution of life satisfaction scores was determined; Significance was observed in region, number of brother, parents education and income variables (p<0.05). Also in our findings about relationships between sport participation and life satisfaction, it was seen that there was negative and weak relationships on the all subscales. In conclusion, It was determined that primary school handball players participated in sports for entertainment, they had middle life satisfaction and the relationships between participating sport and life satisfaction was negative and weak. It was seen that despite the increasing in the life satisfaction, sport participating decreased.



The purpose of this study is to determine the reasons for starting sport and life satisfaction of primary school handball players according to some variables. In study, triple questionnaire form was used for collecting data. It was composed of personal information form which consists of fourteen questions ın the first part, Life Satisfaction Scale which was adapted in Turkish by Yetim in 1993 in the second part and Participation Motivation Questionnaire which was adapted in Turkish by Mülazımoğlu, et al. in 2001 in the third part. For comparisons more than two groups Kruskal Wallis variance analysis, in bilateral comparisons Bonferroni Mann Whitney U tests were used in the study. Spearman Correlation analysis was done for the level of relationships between Participation Motivation Questionnaire and Life satisfaction. While study population was composed of 14 province of turkey from seven regions by taking two big cities from the each region, sample group was occurred with 350 girls and 350 boys in total 700 primary student handball players. When the primary school handball player’s sport participating subscale was determined; region, sport age, number of brother, parents education and income variables were found significant (p<0.05). When distribution of life satisfaction scores was determined; Significance was observed in region, number of brother, parents education and income variables (p<0.05). Also in our findings about relationships between sport participation and life satisfaction, it was seen that there was negative and weak relationships on the all subscales. In conclusion, It was determined that primary school handball players participated in sports for entertainment, they had middle life satisfaction and the relationships between participating sport and life satisfaction was negative and weak. It was seen that despite the increasing in the life satisfaction, sport participating decreased.


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