Reflections From A Group Of Middle School Mathematics Teachers Who Conducted A Lesson Study Practice

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 3
Language : null
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The aim of this study is to determine the feelings and opinions of a group of middle school mathematics teacher about lesson study based on their experiences in this model. The phenomenology, which is a qualitative research design, was adopted for this study. Three middle school mathematics teachers who had been working in Uşak province were included in the study. In this study, the participants conducted a lesson study practice working cooperatively for about 5 months. Data were collected through individual and focus group interviews. Results showed that the participants thought Lesson Study had quite important features (it provides teachers active roles, etc.) as a professional development model, and it was a suitable model for Turkey. However, the participants believed that several challenges (teachers may reluctant to participate, etc.) may occur when lesson study is implemented in Turkey. The participants thought that some preparation (teachers are encouraged for lesson study financially, etc.) and adaptation (simplify the lesson plan format, etc.) have to be done to implement the model effectively in Turkey.



The aim of this study is to determine the feelings and opinions of a group of middle school mathematics teacher about lesson study based on their experiences in this model. The phenomenology, which is a qualitative research design, was adopted for this study. Three middle school mathematics teachers who had been working in Uşak province were included in the study. In this study, the participants conducted a lesson study practice working cooperatively for about 5 months. Data were collected through individual and focus group interviews. Results showed that the participants thought Lesson Study had quite important features (it provides teachers active roles, etc.) as a professional development model, and it was a suitable model for Turkey. However, the participants believed that several challenges (teachers may reluctant to participate, etc.) may occur when lesson study is implemented in Turkey. The participants thought that some preparation (teachers are encouraged for lesson study financially, etc.) and adaptation (simplify the lesson plan format, etc.) have to be done to implement the model effectively in Turkey.


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