Examining the Relationship of Social Skills, Problem Solving and Bullying in Adolescents (Pages: 1 - 7)

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


This study aims to analyze the relationships among social skills level, problem solving and bullying in adolescents. The research is carried out according to the surveying model with a sample of 392 students (210 female and 182 male) who completed a measurement package which contained the Turkish versions of Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY), Problem Solving Inventory for Children and Bullying Questionnaire. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and stepwise regression analysis were utilized in analyzing the data. While the study concluded a positive and significant relationship between positive social skills degrees and subcategories of ‘trust’ and ‘avoidance’, a negative significant relationship is observed between negative social skills degrees and ‘trust’, ‘self-discipline’ and ‘avoidance’ subcategories of problem solving. Moreover, as a negative significant relationship is explored positive social skills degrees and bullying behavior degrees, a positive significant relationship is found between negative social skills degrees and bullying behavior and being bullied degrees.



This study aims to analyze the relationships among social skills level, problem solving and bullying in adolescents. The research is carried out according to the surveying model with a sample of 392 students (210 female and 182 male) who completed a measurement package which contained the Turkish versions of Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY), Problem Solving Inventory for Children and Bullying Questionnaire. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and stepwise regression analysis were utilized in analyzing the data. While the study concluded a positive and significant relationship between positive social skills degrees and subcategories of ‘trust’ and ‘avoidance’, a negative significant relationship is observed between negative social skills degrees and ‘trust’, ‘self-discipline’ and ‘avoidance’ subcategories of problem solving. Moreover, as a negative significant relationship is explored positive social skills degrees and bullying behavior degrees, a positive significant relationship is found between negative social skills degrees and bullying behavior and being bullied degrees.


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