Interactive Whiteboard-based Atm Use Training For Older Individuals (Pages: 87 - 97)

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


The aim of the present study is to provide interactive whiteboard-based ATM use to older individuals and to evaluate the results of this training. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods and the data was collected through a personal file, ATM performance evaluation scale, semi-structured observation form and CAP perceived learning scale. The study found that after the training, the vast majority of participants were able to carry out basic transactions, including withdrawing cash, checking their balance and retrieving their bank cards from actual ATM machines; ATM use training was successful when specially developed software and an interactive whiteboard were used to simulate an ATM. It was observed that the training eliminated participants’ fear and mistrust towards ATM machines and that the participants developed their skills in using the ATM machines. The training was found to have been very rewarding, showing the participants that they could finally use ATMs.



The aim of the present study is to provide interactive whiteboard-based ATM use to older individuals and to evaluate the results of this training. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods and the data was collected through a personal file, ATM performance evaluation scale, semi-structured observation form and CAP perceived learning scale. The study found that after the training, the vast majority of participants were able to carry out basic transactions, including withdrawing cash, checking their balance and retrieving their bank cards from actual ATM machines; ATM use training was successful when specially developed software and an interactive whiteboard were used to simulate an ATM. It was observed that the training eliminated participants’ fear and mistrust towards ATM machines and that the participants developed their skills in using the ATM machines. The training was found to have been very rewarding, showing the participants that they could finally use ATMs.


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