The Development Process Of Guide Material Based On Inquiry Based Learning Approach And Student Opinions

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 3
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In the present study, the purpose is to develop of activity set developed based on inquiry-based learning approach on sixth graders’ unit “Particulate Structure of Matter” in elementary school science and technology course and to elicit the students’ opinions about the use of this activity set in class.The data collected through interviews with students revealed that the inquiry-based activities were found to be enjoyable and the lessons were joyful, and the students liked performing these activities, started to be more interested in lessons and learning became easier.



In the present study, the purpose is to develop of activity set developed based on inquiry-based learning approach on sixth graders’ unit “Particulate Structure of Matter” in elementary school science and technology course and to elicit the students’ opinions about the use of this activity set in class.The data collected through interviews with students revealed that the inquiry-based activities were found to be enjoyable and the lessons were joyful, and the students liked performing these activities, started to be more interested in lessons and learning became easier.


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