Psychological Birth Order And Optimism İn High School Students

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


In this survey, it is aimed to examine the relations between high school students’ optimism levels and psychological birth orders. Sample of the survey is composed of 319 females (%54,4), 267 males (%45,6), in total 586 high school students studying at a randomly selected in Samsun city, Canik district. In the survey, Optimism Scale, Psychological Birth Order Inventory and Personal Info Form is used as the data collection tool. According to the findings obtained in the survey, the relation between the high school students’ optimism levels and Oldest Child Psychological Birth Order and Youngest Child Psychological Birth Order is found negative and significant, the one between Middle Child Psychological Birth Order and Only Child Psychological Birth Order is found positive and significant. Besides; while the optimism levels of the individuals who have Oldest Child Psychological Birth Order is found lower than the ones who have Middle Child Psychological Birth Order and Only Child Psychological Birth Order, the optimism levels of the ones who have Middle Child Psychological Birth Order is precipitated to be higher than the ones with Youngest Child Psychological Birth Order.



In this survey, it is aimed to examine the relations between high school students’ optimism levels and psychological birth orders. Sample of the survey is composed of 319 females (%54,4), 267 males (%45,6), in total 586 high school students studying at a randomly selected in Samsun city, Canik district. In the survey, Optimism Scale, Psychological Birth Order Inventory and Personal Info Form is used as the data collection tool. According to the findings obtained in the survey, the relation between the high school students’ optimism levels and Oldest Child Psychological Birth Order and Youngest Child Psychological Birth Order is found negative and significant, the one between Middle Child Psychological Birth Order and Only Child Psychological Birth Order is found positive and significant. Besides; while the optimism levels of the individuals who have Oldest Child Psychological Birth Order is found lower than the ones who have Middle Child Psychological Birth Order and Only Child Psychological Birth Order, the optimism levels of the ones who have Middle Child Psychological Birth Order is precipitated to be higher than the ones with Youngest Child Psychological Birth Order.


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