Sources Used in the Preparatıon of the Social Studies Textbooks to Study in Elementary School

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 1
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It has been tried to determine what resources were used to what extent in the books analyzed. Course books are indispensable sources of education period. Prepared separately for each course, course books are fundamental materials of education. The preparation of these books that have such an importance is a tough process. Especially sources used in the preparation of Social Studies course books determine the quality of the book as they affect the content of the book. Qualified and various sources should be used to prepare qualified Social Studies course books. This study bases on the analysis of sources used in the preparation of Social Studies course books published to be used in the fourth and fifth grades of primary school.



It has been tried to determine what resources were used to what extent in the books analyzed. Course books are indispensable sources of education period. Prepared separately for each course, course books are fundamental materials of education. The preparation of these books that have such an importance is a tough process. Especially sources used in the preparation of Social Studies course books determine the quality of the book as they affect the content of the book. Qualified and various sources should be used to prepare qualified Social Studies course books. This study bases on the analysis of sources used in the preparation of Social Studies course books published to be used in the fourth and fifth grades of primary school.


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  • Article Statistics