Philosophical Change in Education: A Desired Primary School Model of Primary School Student Teachers

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Year-Number: 2014-Volume 6, Issue 3
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Even if the traditional education maintains its characteristics all over the world, it has been widely criticized, as well. This criticism is considered for the development of all school curriculums in Turkey, and proper educational curriculums are prepared in line with the criticism. An attempt to understand the desired primary school model of primary school student teachers basically reveals their educational philosophy. This study aims to scrutinize the philosophical perceptions of primary school teacher students, who study at the Faculty of Education, Pamukkale University, towards educational processes based upon their ideas and experiences. The study based its design on the sequential explanatory design, one of the mixed methods. The study was comprised of 267 primary school student teachers who were enrolled in the Department of Primary School Teaching. Considering the quantitative part of the study based on the understanding of primary school student teachers about their educational philosophy, the participants mostly had popular educational thoughts and applications. The three basic themes were “the school which makes people free”, “the school which teaches life” and “the school which makes people think” in terms of the qualitative part of the study.



Even if the traditional education maintains its characteristics all over the world, it has been widely criticized, as well. This criticism is considered for the development of all school curriculums in Turkey, and proper educational curriculums are prepared in line with the criticism. An attempt to understand the desired primary school model of primary school student teachers basically reveals their educational philosophy. This study aims to scrutinize the philosophical perceptions of primary school teacher students, who study at the Faculty of Education, Pamukkale University, towards educational processes based upon their ideas and experiences. The study based its design on the sequential explanatory design, one of the mixed methods. The study was comprised of 267 primary school student teachers who were enrolled in the Department of Primary School Teaching. Considering the quantitative part of the study based on the understanding of primary school student teachers about their educational philosophy, the participants mostly had popular educational thoughts and applications. The three basic themes were “the school which makes people free”, “the school which teaches life” and “the school which makes people think” in terms of the qualitative part of the study.


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