Attitudes of Primary Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers Candidates toward Graduate Education

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Year-Number: 2014-Volume 6, Issue 2
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The purpose of this study is to examine attitudes of mathematics pre-service teachers candidates to graduate education in terms of variables such as numerical data, and also students’ attitudes towards post-graduate education, the correlation analysis which was made with different components. The study consists of 139 candidates attending to Primary Education Departments in Marmara University in the 2006-2011 academic years. In the research method pattern consisted of quantitative data was conducted. The research data was consisted of general averages, preference ranking and using attitude scale which was developed by Ünal and İlter (2010) with the name of the scale of attitudes towards post-graduate education. The data on scale were analyzed SPSS 17.0. Moreover, correlation analysis was performed. According to the survey the attitudes of teachers of undergraduate to graduate education with general averages, and preference ranking (ranking shows the count of settled preferences) and the attitudes of graduate education in terms of the variables were statistically significant differences between the attitudes of graduate education. In general, students have a positive attitude to graduate education is seen. In addition to these graduate graduation average of average and high average graduation and there is a significant relationship between ALES score.



The purpose of this study is to examine attitudes of mathematics pre-service teachers candidates to graduate education in terms of variables such as numerical data, and also students’ attitudes towards post-graduate education, the correlation analysis which was made with different components. The study consists of 139 candidates attending to Primary Education Departments in Marmara University in the 2006-2011 academic years. In the research method pattern consisted of quantitative data was conducted. The research data was consisted of general averages, preference ranking and using attitude scale which was developed by Ünal and İlter (2010) with the name of the scale of attitudes towards post-graduate education. The data on scale were analyzed SPSS 17.0. Moreover, correlation analysis was performed. According to the survey the attitudes of teachers of undergraduate to graduate education with general averages, and preference ranking (ranking shows the count of settled preferences) and the attitudes of graduate education in terms of the variables were statistically significant differences between the attitudes of graduate education. In general, students have a positive attitude to graduate education is seen. In addition to these graduate graduation average of average and high average graduation and there is a significant relationship between ALES score.


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