Mobbing Behaviors That Applied Upward From Below To Principals (Pages: 646-659)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


In today’s business world where there is intensive competition, one of the reasons of stress, the disease of our era, is the mobbing behaviours at work. Stress can be both the reason and the result of mobbing actions. In organizations, the mobbing behaviours both from top to bottom and from bottom to top negatively affect the process of reaching organizational goals. Mobbing from bottom to top highly occurs in educational organizations in accordance with the others. In this paper, mobbing behaviours from the staff to the principals in primary and secondary schools are studied. The data were obtained from the negative behaviours scale from a total of 60 principals working in various primary and secondary schools who were selected using random sampling in the central district of Erzurum. These data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical software package for frequency distribution, percentages, and t-test, Kruskal-Wallis analysis, and Mann-Whitney U-test. Given the data types and sampling numbers, it is understood from the analyses applied that of the school principals 1,74 % always, 1,96 % usually, % 5,83 sometimes and % 21,4 rarely are exposed to mobbing behaviours by the staff, and there is not a meaningful difference between mobbing behaviours according to the variables of age, sex, seniority, rotation, state of education and school.



In today’s business world where there is intensive competition, one of the reasons of stress, the disease of our era, is the mobbing behaviours at work. Stress can be both the reason and the result of mobbing actions. In organizations, the mobbing behaviours both from top to bottom and from bottom to top negatively affect the process of reaching organizational goals. Mobbing from bottom to top highly occurs in educational organizations in accordance with the others. In this paper, mobbing behaviours from the staff to the principals in primary and secondary schools are studied. The data were obtained from the negative behaviours scale from a total of 60 principals working in various primary and secondary schools who were selected using random sampling in the central district of Erzurum. These data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical software package for frequency distribution, percentages, and t-test, Kruskal-Wallis analysis, and Mann-Whitney U-test. Given the data types and sampling numbers, it is understood from the analyses applied that of the school principals 1,74 % always, 1,96 % usually, % 5,83 sometimes and % 21,4 rarely are exposed to mobbing behaviours by the staff, and there is not a meaningful difference between mobbing behaviours according to the variables of age, sex, seniority, rotation, state of education and school.


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