The Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of the Defeat Scale (Pages: 660-666)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


This study investigated the validity and reliability of the Defeat Scale (DS; Gilbert &Allan, 1998). The sample of study consists of 399 university students. Results of confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the sixteen items loaded on one factor and the one-dimensional model was well fit (x2= 301.20, df= 99, RMSEA= .072, NFI= .95, IFI= .97, CFI= .97, RFI= .94, SRMR= .050). Factor loadings ranged from .31 to .76 and the corrected item-total correlations of DS ranged from .32 to .68. Internal consistency reliability coefficient was .88. These results demonstrate that this scale is a valid and reliable instrument.



This study investigated the validity and reliability of the Defeat Scale (DS; Gilbert &Allan, 1998). The sample of study consists of 399 university students. Results of confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the sixteen items loaded on one factor and the one-dimensional model was well fit (x2= 301.20, df= 99, RMSEA= .072, NFI= .95, IFI= .97, CFI= .97, RFI= .94, SRMR= .050). Factor loadings ranged from .31 to .76 and the corrected item-total correlations of DS ranged from .32 to .68. Internal consistency reliability coefficient was .88. These results demonstrate that this scale is a valid and reliable instrument.


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