What Is A Virus? Prospective Biology Teachers’ Cognitive Structure on the Concept of Virus (Pages: 736-756)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 3
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Konu : null


The aim of the current study is to investigate prospective biology teachers’ cognitive structures related to "virus". As the research design of the study, the qualitative research method was applied. The data were collected from 44 prospective biology teachers. The free word-association test and the drawing-writing technique were used as data collection instruments. The data were subject to content analysis and divided into categories through coding. In the analysis, the categories were formed and determined through the results of word-association test and drawing-writing test which were completed by the prospective biology teachers. With the help of these categories, the cognitive structures of prospective biology teachers were explained. The data collected through the study were divided into 6 categories (defining viruses, virus genetics, the anatomic structure of viruses, virus types, virus diseases and what to do, virus-bacteria relationship). On the other hand, it was determined that prospective biology teachers had alternative concepts related to virus.



The aim of the current study is to investigate prospective biology teachers’ cognitive structures related to "virus". As the research design of the study, the qualitative research method was applied. The data were collected from 44 prospective biology teachers. The free word-association test and the drawing-writing technique were used as data collection instruments. The data were subject to content analysis and divided into categories through coding. In the analysis, the categories were formed and determined through the results of word-association test and drawing-writing test which were completed by the prospective biology teachers. With the help of these categories, the cognitive structures of prospective biology teachers were explained. The data collected through the study were divided into 6 categories (defining viruses, virus genetics, the anatomic structure of viruses, virus types, virus diseases and what to do, virus-bacteria relationship). On the other hand, it was determined that prospective biology teachers had alternative concepts related to virus.


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