Pre-service Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Levels of Developing Activity Based On the Multiple Intelligence Theory (Pages:129-142)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


The purpose of this study was to determine pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ levels of developing activity based on the multiple intelligence theory. Document analysis was used in this qualitative study. The working group of the study consists of 100 pre-service teachers which attend elementary mathematics education program in a state university in 2010-2011 school year. “Activity Development Form Based on the Multiple Intelligence Theory” developed by researchers was used for collecting data. Data were analyzed by content analysis and the activities developed by pre-service elementary mathematics teachers were evaluated as “appropriate” and “inappropriate” in terms of the properties of intelligences. According to the results of the study, pre-service mathematics teachers generally develop appropriate activities for intelligences and inappropriate activities were mostly seen in musical-rhythmic and naturalist intelligences.



The purpose of this study was to determine pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ levels of developing activity based on the multiple intelligence theory. Document analysis was used in this qualitative study. The working group of the study consists of 100 pre-service teachers which attend elementary mathematics education program in a state university in 2010-2011 school year. “Activity Development Form Based on the Multiple Intelligence Theory” developed by researchers was used for collecting data. Data were analyzed by content analysis and the activities developed by pre-service elementary mathematics teachers were evaluated as “appropriate” and “inappropriate” in terms of the properties of intelligences. According to the results of the study, pre-service mathematics teachers generally develop appropriate activities for intelligences and inappropriate activities were mostly seen in musical-rhythmic and naturalist intelligences.


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