A Classification Study On The Problems Of Lower Secondary School Students’ Seperating “The Parts Of Sentence” (Pages:143-159)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 1
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The surface structure of the language is more important than the deeper structure in Turkish grammer education. This situation causes problems in gramer education. There is the same problem at the teaching of “the Parts of Sentence”. In order to remove the problems first of all it must be given importance to the deep structure of the text. The reader, who focuses on the deep structure, is going to be more structure analysing the surface structure. The purpose of this research is to identify the quality of the problems that occures at the teaching of “the Parts of Sentence” in lower secondary education. For this purpose it was prepared a worksheet with 13 sentences from Mustafa Kutlu’s story named Hüzün ve Tesadüf. It was asked students to analyse the parts of these sentences. The sample of the research was composed by the 20 eighth grade students who attend Mehmet Metin Secondary School in the city of Düzce, Cumayeri district. In this research around the qualitative research approach, document analysis approach, scanning technique and case study were used. At the end of the research, the problems that occures at the teaching of “the Parts of Sentence” were combined under 12 titles. The most important of these problems are ordered as; the practising of insuffiency, not understanding of wordgroups and ignoring the deep structure while analysing the Parts of Sentence.



The surface structure of the language is more important than the deeper structure in Turkish grammer education. This situation causes problems in gramer education. There is the same problem at the teaching of “the Parts of Sentence”. In order to remove the problems first of all it must be given importance to the deep structure of the text. The reader, who focuses on the deep structure, is going to be more structure analysing the surface structure. The purpose of this research is to identify the quality of the problems that occures at the teaching of “the Parts of Sentence” in lower secondary education. For this purpose it was prepared a worksheet with 13 sentences from Mustafa Kutlu’s story named Hüzün ve Tesadüf. It was asked students to analyse the parts of these sentences. The sample of the research was composed by the 20 eighth grade students who attend Mehmet Metin Secondary School in the city of Düzce, Cumayeri district. In this research around the qualitative research approach, document analysis approach, scanning technique and case study were used. At the end of the research, the problems that occures at the teaching of “the Parts of Sentence” were combined under 12 titles. The most important of these problems are ordered as; the practising of insuffiency, not understanding of wordgroups and ignoring the deep structure while analysing the Parts of Sentence.


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