Using the MOODLE Learning Management System in Problem Based Learning Method

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Year-Number: 2011-Volume 3, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


In this study, a lesson design was made, where the PBL method was supported with modular object oriented dynamic learning environment (MOODLE). Students’ opinions after implementation with regards to MOODLE, which they make use of while studying with the PBL method, were gathered and experiences obtained was discussed. The study was conducted as an experimental study with a single group. Findings of the study were obtained by both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The sample of the study consists of 42 first class undergraduate students who took General Chemistry-II course in the department of primary science education and 5 instructors in department of chemistry education at Kazim Karabekir Education Faculty at Ataturk University. Data was gathered using the scale determine of students’ opinions about the MOODLE, interviews and document analysis. While quantitative data were analyzed by one samples t-test, qualitative data were analyzed descriptively. In this study, it is seen that using MOODLE during the implementations of the PBL method led the lesson instructed to have positive effects on students. In additional, thanks to the MOODLE, it was determined that both a high quality and interactive setting was provided throughout the term and encouragement for participation increased.



In this study, a lesson design was made, where the PBL method was supported with modular object oriented dynamic learning environment (MOODLE). Students’ opinions after implementation with regards to MOODLE, which they make use of while studying with the PBL method, were gathered and experiences obtained was discussed. The study was conducted as an experimental study with a single group. Findings of the study were obtained by both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The sample of the study consists of 42 first class undergraduate students who took General Chemistry-II course in the department of primary science education and 5 instructors in department of chemistry education at Kazim Karabekir Education Faculty at Ataturk University. Data was gathered using the scale determine of students’ opinions about the MOODLE, interviews and document analysis. While quantitative data were analyzed by one samples t-test, qualitative data were analyzed descriptively. In this study, it is seen that using MOODLE during the implementations of the PBL method led the lesson instructed to have positive effects on students. In additional, thanks to the MOODLE, it was determined that both a high quality and interactive setting was provided throughout the term and encouragement for participation increased.


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