The Effect of Certain Types Of Nourishment on the Intellicence Performance of 7th Class Students of Primary School Students

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Year-Number: 2011-Volume 3, Issue 2
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The purpose of this research is to observe the performance of intelligence of 7th year students by providing them with certain types of food. The research has been an experimental study and has been conducted in the autumn term of the 2007 – 2008 school years. In purpose of pre-election, in Erzurum Ilıca Şeker Primary school in classes 7/ A-B, 47 and in Erzurum Özel İstiklal Primary school in classes 7/ A-C 33 students were given the R. B. Catel Intelligence Test and Personal Information Forms were applied to them. Following this, 20 students were chosen as the experimental group and 20 students were chosen as the control group. The experimental group has been provided to take certain types of nourishment for 8 weeks “regularly and under control”. The control group has been provided to take these kinds of nourishment in minimum amount... In the research, the data related to the students’ development of intelligence were added to the Cattel Intelligence Test, which was developed by Cattel (1957) and adopted by Toğrol (1974). The raw points obtained from this process were turned into points related to “parts of intelligence”. In order to analyse whether the difference between the averages of pre-test points and post-test points were meaningful t test has been done; in order to analyse the relation between the averages of pre-test and post-test correlation analysis has been performed. At the end of the research following findings were observed. In terms of gender, there hasn’t been any meaningful differentiation observed between the averages of the pre-test and post-test points related to parts of intelligence of girls and boys. In terms of being a private school or state school, there hasn’t been any meaningful differentiation observed between the averages of the pre-test and post-test points related to parts of intelligence. It is observed that there hasn’t been any meaningful differentiation in the averages of pre-test points related to parts of intelligence between the experimental group and the control group. However, there has been a meaningful differentiation observed in the averages of post-test points related to parts of intelligence of the experimental group. There has been a positive and very meaningful relation between the averages of pre- test and post- test points.



The purpose of this research is to observe the performance of intelligence of 7th year students by providing them with certain types of food. The research has been an experimental study and has been conducted in the autumn term of the 2007 – 2008 school years. In purpose of pre-election, in Erzurum Ilıca Şeker Primary school in classes 7/ A-B, 47 and in Erzurum Özel İstiklal Primary school in classes 7/ A-C 33 students were given the R. B. Catel Intelligence Test and Personal Information Forms were applied to them. Following this, 20 students were chosen as the experimental group and 20 students were chosen as the control group. The experimental group has been provided to take certain types of nourishment for 8 weeks “regularly and under control”. The control group has been provided to take these kinds of nourishment in minimum amount... In the research, the data related to the students’ development of intelligence were added to the Cattel Intelligence Test, which was developed by Cattel (1957) and adopted by Toğrol (1974). The raw points obtained from this process were turned into points related to “parts of intelligence”. In order to analyse whether the difference between the averages of pre-test points and post-test points were meaningful t test has been done; in order to analyse the relation between the averages of pre-test and post-test correlation analysis has been performed. At the end of the research following findings were observed. In terms of gender, there hasn’t been any meaningful differentiation observed between the averages of the pre-test and post-test points related to parts of intelligence of girls and boys. In terms of being a private school or state school, there hasn’t been any meaningful differentiation observed between the averages of the pre-test and post-test points related to parts of intelligence. It is observed that there hasn’t been any meaningful differentiation in the averages of pre-test points related to parts of intelligence between the experimental group and the control group. However, there has been a meaningful differentiation observed in the averages of post-test points related to parts of intelligence of the experimental group. There has been a positive and very meaningful relation between the averages of pre- test and post- test points.


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