Principals’ Perceptions on School Management: A Case Study with Metaphorical Analysis

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Year-Number: 2011-Volume 3, Issue 2
Language : null
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Metaphors can serve as a powerful strategy to portray complex realities, illuminating aspects of phenomena not previously noticed, and adding depth of meaning to understanding. In qualitative research, metaphors can be used as a mechanism to structure data or to help the researcher understand a familiar process in a new light. This paper provides an overview of principals’ perceptions on school management with metaphors in school setting. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mental images (metaphors) that principals formulated to describe the concept of school management and school management activities in which they are involved. The research sought to use qualitative methods to gather the relevant data via semi-structured interviews with principals in Antalya. The outcome of the research addresses important implications for the professional work life of principals in understanding school management and school management activities in school setting.



Metaphors can serve as a powerful strategy to portray complex realities, illuminating aspects of phenomena not previously noticed, and adding depth of meaning to understanding. In qualitative research, metaphors can be used as a mechanism to structure data or to help the researcher understand a familiar process in a new light. This paper provides an overview of principals’ perceptions on school management with metaphors in school setting. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mental images (metaphors) that principals formulated to describe the concept of school management and school management activities in which they are involved. The research sought to use qualitative methods to gather the relevant data via semi-structured interviews with principals in Antalya. The outcome of the research addresses important implications for the professional work life of principals in understanding school management and school management activities in school setting.


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