The Effect of Earthquake Awareness Development Program (EADP) On 6 Years Old Children

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Year-Number: 2011-Volume 3, Issue 2
Language : null
Konu : null


The layer of rocks on the surface of the world is made of big segments. Those segments moves slowly and constantly. Severe cracks emerge from those motions of segments. The motion during the cracks is called earthquakes. This motion releases energy stored in the rocks.. Earthquakes are the rapid and sudden shaking of the Earth caused by the release of energy stored in rocks. The earthquake is a natural disaster. The most effective solution to earthquake is to make individuals to be conscious of how they can protect themselves from the earthquake just like they do during other disasters. The purpose of this research is to test the effects of the Earthquake Awareness Development Program (EADP) on 6 years old children. This study consists of activities to increase the earthquake consciousness level of 6 years old children. Earthquake Awareness Development Program (EADP) is made of those 10 activities. The activities in the program were implemented by preschool teachers. Sample of the study is 105 children attending nursery school in Istanbul. An 8-item pre-post test was applied. Results of the study showed that earthquake consciousness of children increased significantly.



The layer of rocks on the surface of the world is made of big segments. Those segments moves slowly and constantly. Severe cracks emerge from those motions of segments. The motion during the cracks is called earthquakes. This motion releases energy stored in the rocks.. Earthquakes are the rapid and sudden shaking of the Earth caused by the release of energy stored in rocks. The earthquake is a natural disaster. The most effective solution to earthquake is to make individuals to be conscious of how they can protect themselves from the earthquake just like they do during other disasters. The purpose of this research is to test the effects of the Earthquake Awareness Development Program (EADP) on 6 years old children. This study consists of activities to increase the earthquake consciousness level of 6 years old children. Earthquake Awareness Development Program (EADP) is made of those 10 activities. The activities in the program were implemented by preschool teachers. Sample of the study is 105 children attending nursery school in Istanbul. An 8-item pre-post test was applied. Results of the study showed that earthquake consciousness of children increased significantly.


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