Peer Bullying Among Turkish Preschool Children: An Observational Study

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Year-Number: 2018-Volume 10, Issue 4
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 351-366
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Although recent studies of peer bullying in preschool children in various countries have demonstrated the importance of studying bullying at these ages, studies have been limited in Turkey. The purpose of this investigation is to explore the nature of peer bullying among Turkish preschool children. Teachers of 121 children completed Preschool Social Behaviour Scale-TF. Information about children’s social behaviours in preschool was obtained through Storied Hypothetical Situations from children. According to analyses of these measures, 14 children were selected for observational assessments. Anecdotal records and event sampling were conducted in their leisure time and art activities. Time and scan sampling were conducted in their leisure time. Results indicated bullying occurred mostly in their leisure time and verbal bullying occurred more than other bullying types in each activity. Hitting, shouting and taunting were more observed behaviours. The discussion emphasizes the methodological need of peer bullying in preschool reflect individual differences.



Although recent studies of peer bullying in preschool children in various countries have demonstrated the importance of studying bullying at these ages, studies have been limited in Turkey. The purpose of this investigation is to explore the nature of peer bullying among Turkish preschool children. Teachers of 121 children completed Preschool Social Behaviour Scale-TF. Information about children’s social behaviours in preschool was obtained through Storied Hypothetical Situations from children. According to analyses of these measures, 14 children were selected for observational assessments. Anecdotal records and event sampling were conducted in their leisure time and art activities. Time and scan sampling were conducted in their leisure time. Results indicated bullying occurred mostly in their leisure time and verbal bullying occurred more than other bullying types in each activity. Hitting, shouting and taunting were more observed behaviours. The discussion emphasizes the methodological need of peer bullying in preschool reflect individual differences.


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