Educational Values Foreseen by the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey

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Year-Number: 2020-Volume 12, Issue 1
Language : null
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Number of pages: 130-148
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The Turkish nation has a deep-rooted tradition of education and about a hundred and fifty years of constitutional experience. The current 1982 Constitution enshrines the responsibilities of the Turkish nation, the bureaucracy and the education system to live, maintain and protect certain values. In this study, it was aimed to determine the educational values of the Constitution of Turkey in the Constitution of Republic of Turkey, which is the highest norm directing the education system, and to reveal the provisions of the Constitution of Turkey about values education and transfer of value. In the study, the Constitution of Republic of Turkey, values were examined in terms of education and document analysis method which is one of the qualitative data collection methods was used. In the study, the values included in the curricula prepared by the Ministry of National Education (2018) were taken into consideration. However, it is not satisfied with this fact and considered important and valuable in the constitution is accepted as value. At the end of the study, it is concluded that the Constitution of Republic of Turkey has a very rich content in terms of educational values and value transfer.


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