Opinions of teachers on the Implementation of the Orff-Schulwerk Approach in Online Lessons

Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-Volume 13, Issue 4
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-09-01 09:59:14.0
Language : English
Konu : Music Education
Number of pages: 949-964
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The purpose of this study is to determine the opinions of teachers on the application of the Orff-Schulwerk approach in online lessons. A qualitative descriptive model was employed in the study. The data were obtained through online course observations and interviews carried out with teachers adopting the Orff-Schulwerk approach. The data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis method. It was found that videoconferencing programs in online lessons suppress the sound, and connection and synchronization problems cause many pedagogical disadvantages for Orff-Schulwerk practices. It was determined that these technological limitations impede group studies in all aspects of music, movement, instrument, and improvisation. Teachers adopting Orff initially followed a reductionist approach by reducing their goals and plans in order to find solutions to these problems. As the process continued, they included additional technologies to online lessons, organized preparation activities before the lessons, and changed the teaching methods and strategies used for the lessons. Furthermore, they created ideas to overcome the limitations of technology and recorded preparation videos. Teachers further stated that the process has advantages such as interacting with the whole world, creating many more and more methodical lesson materials, analyzing with didactic lessons, and developing their own creativity. They stated that technology needs to be developed more in order to carry out Orff-Schulwerk lessons online, and that they would prefer to implement this approach face to face with the conditions at hand for efficiency; however, a time in which they can use the technology more has started.


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