In this study, relationship between pre-service teachers' attitudes towards learning and sustainable learning levels are examined. Sample of the study consists of 428 pre-service teachers studying at Tekirdag Namik Kemal University. Scale for Attitudes Towards Learning and Scale for Sustainable Learning were used throughout the study. Data obtained during the study were analyzed by arithmetic average, standard deviation, correlation analysis and regression analysis. According to findings, it is determined that pre-service teachers' attitudes towards learning and sustainable learning levels are at high levels. At the end of conducted regression analysis, it is found that scores obtained by means of scale for pre-service teachers' attitudes towards learning predict scores belonging to both cognitive and behavioral sub-scales of sustainable learning scale at a remarkable accuracy. Obtained findings are discussed in accord with relevant literature and suggestions were presented.
@article{2021,title={Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels},abstractNode={},author={İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak },year={2021},journal={International Online Journal of Educational Sciences}}
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak . 2021 . Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.DOI:null
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak .(2021).Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak ,"Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels" , International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2021)
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak . 2021 . Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2021. DOI:null
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak .Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2021)
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak .Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2021)
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak . (2021) .Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak . Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2021 doi:null
İsmail Erol-Semih Çayak ."Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learning and Sustainable Learning Levels",International Online Journal of Educational Sciences(2021)
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