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The Reflections of Pre-service Music Teachers’ Creative Thinking Skills on their Instrumental Improvisation Ability

Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-Volume 13, Issue 4
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-04-30 01:03:55.0
Language : English
Konu : Fine Arts Education
Number of pages: 1179-1197
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Through the development of the individual's musical and creative potential, the individual can express himself musically. Directing these potentials effectively depends on the musical knowledge and skills of the music teachers. Therefore, it is important for music teachers to develop their creative potential and improvisational playing ability during their studies. In this context, the aim of this research is to determine the level of preservice music teachers' creative thinking skills and their improvisation skills through the piano. In this study, the "correlational survey model" of quantitative research methods and "interview" method of qualitative research methods were used. The research group consisted of 4th-grade students (n = 31) studying at Dokuz Eylül University Buca Education Faculty Fine Arts Education Department Music Education Department. Data were obtained through the “Sounds and Creative Thinking with Words, “Sounds and Images IIA” form developed by Torrance and Cunnington, adapted to Turkish by Kaya and Bilen, The Creative Thinking Test “Verbal A” form developed by Torrance, adapted to Turkish by Gifted Education Center. And “Improvisation Skills with Piano Observation Form and Scoring Guideline”, “Creativity Based Learning Environment Assessment Scale” and “Semi-Structured Interview Form for Improvisation” were used. According to the findings, the pre-service music teachers' creative thinking levels are below the intermediate level and improvisation skill levels with the piano are low. The correlation between the creative thinking levels and improvisation skill levels with the piano is positive, low, and statistically not significant between the means of the scores obtained [p>.01].


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