Investigating the Mental Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers for Integrated Teaching

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


There has been some criticism of the teacher education programs in Turkey, claiming that pre-service teachers were not well-prepared for the profession. This study explored the mental readiness of pre-service teachers to facilitate integrated mathematics and science education. Data were collected from pre-service teachers who were enrolled in either integrated or departmentalized teacher education programs. Data were analyzed using a three-way multivariate factorial analysis of variance model. The independent variables were program (integrated or departmentalized), department (mathematics or science), and gender while the outcome variables were the attitudes towards the integrated teaching and nature of mathematics and science. The results indicated that pre-service mathematics teachers in the integrated teacher education program had more favourable attitudes towards integrated teaching than pre-service mathematics teachers in the departmentalized program. The study showed that the integrated program



There has been some criticism of the teacher education programs in Turkey, claiming that pre-service teachers were not well-prepared for the profession. This study explored the mental readiness of pre-service teachers to facilitate integrated mathematics and science education. Data were collected from pre-service teachers who were enrolled in either integrated or departmentalized teacher education programs. Data were analyzed using a three-way multivariate factorial analysis of variance model. The independent variables were program (integrated or departmentalized), department (mathematics or science), and gender while the outcome variables were the attitudes towards the integrated teaching and nature of mathematics and science. The results indicated that pre-service mathematics teachers in the integrated teacher education program had more favourable attitudes towards integrated teaching than pre-service mathematics teachers in the departmentalized program. The study showed that the integrated program


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