Opinions of Teachers on the Role of Teachers, Students and Parents in the Education of the Future

Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-Volume 14, Issue 3
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-09-03 13:08:24.0
Language : English
Konu : Educational Sciences
Number of pages: 792-806
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




In the traditional approach of education, the roles of active teacher, passive student, and passive
parents are dominant. As a result of philosophical changes, scientific and technological
developments, the traditional understanding of education went through the changes. This change has
continued to accelerate after the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to adapt to this change in education
and to reduce conflict, it may be useful to predict the future from today. In this context, the research
aims to examine the role of teachers, students, and parents in the education of the future from the
perspective of teachers. In the direction of this purpose, the study was conducted with a
phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research designs. The study group of the research
consisted of 12 teachers working in secondary schools affiliated to the Ministry of National
Education in the fall semester of 2021-2022. The study data were collected with a semi-structured
interview form prepared by the researchers. The obtained data were analyzed by the descriptive
analysis method. In the research findings, the future role of the teacher was explained by three
different codes as counselor personality, motivator, and loss of status. The student's role was
explained as an active student, socializing student, and a student who lacks practice. The role of the
parents in the education of the future was explained with two codes as the main element of education
and counselor. Based on the study results, it can be suggested that teacher training programs should
be organized and updated in a way that will raise the human type of the future in the best way, and
in-service training should be organized for teachers. For students, it can be suggested to focus on
activities that will provide socialization opportunities due to the increase in the ease of accessing
information for students and the intensity of distance education. For parents, it can be recommended
to provide education at various levels so that they can be included in the education without any
problems and fulfill their increasing responsibilities.


  • Guba and Lincoln (1982) stated that in qualitative research, there is credibility instead of validity and reliability, and the way to ensure this is credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability (Başkale, 2016). Before the interview, the participants were informed about the purpose and scope of the research, how long the interview would take, and that the researcher would record a voice during the interview. Participants were also informed that participation in the research is voluntary, and in this context, they have the right to refuse to participate in the research, to leave any stage of the research, and not to answer any questions they want. Thus, it was tried to ensure that the data collection sessions were conducted only with people willing to contribute sincerely çalışılmıştır (Arastaman, Öztürk-Fidan & Fidan, 2018). To confirm the accuracy of the data obtained after the interview recordings were transcribed, a copy of the transcription was sent to the participants and the participant's confirmation was obtained (Doyle, 2007; Holloway ve Wheeler, 1996; Lincoln ve Guba, 1985). Expert opinion, one of the ways to increase credibility in the research, was taken during the preparation of the semi-structured interview form, long interviews were made with the participants, and confirmation was obtained from the participants (Holloway & Wheeler, 1996). Researcher triangulation, which is one of the diversification methods (Stake, 1995) used to increase the validity of the research, was conducted by coding the data at various times by different people during data analysis. Transferability refers to the extent to which the findings of a previous study can be adapted to similar contexts or situations while preserving their meaning (Arastaman, Öztürk-Fidan ve Fidan, 2018). According to Shenton (2004), to ensure transferability, detailed information about the period, the number and length of data collection sessions, the data collection method used, the number of participants, and the personal characteristics of the participants should be presented in qualitative research. To ensure that the research is transferable, the research process has been described as detailed and transparently as possible.

  • objectives. This result of the research has been supported by similar research results (Koç, 2014; Woolfolk,

  • In the research process, the third role was revealed as “teacher who has lost status” regarding the future teacher roles. Accordingly, the teachers stated that the teaching profession was not respected enough and that it was losing its prestige more and more every day, so they did not see the future of their profession as promising. Based on this, it is concluded that some of the teachers have a pessimistic and hopeless attitude about the future of the teaching profession. This situation can be considered a risk that will decrease the motivation of teachers while performing their professions. And as a result, they will not be able to develop a sense of belonging to their profession. This result has also been supported by similar research results (Birmingham, 2009; Karataş, Ardıç & Oral, 2017).

  • Secondly, teachers’ opinions on the role of students in the education of the future were discussed in the study. The role that students will play in the future will be “active students.” Students are expected to be able to use the learning skills of the future comfortably, to reach the information they need on their own, know the ways to obtain information, criticize when necessary, solve the problems they encounter, and cooperate with others by communicating effectively. This result obtained as a result of the research is supported by other research results (Aydede & Kesercioğlu, 2012; Bennett, Maton & Kervin, 2008; Bozkurt & Çakır, 2016; Chu, Reynolds, Tavares, Notari & Lee, 2017; Dede, 2005; Dede, 2010; Eryılmaz & Uluyol, 2015; Gelen, 2017; Günüç, Odabaşı & Kuzu, 2013; Kaymakcı, 2009; Kemp, Goodman & Tenenbaum, 2010; Koltay, 2011; Malter, 2011; Otuz, Görkaş-Kayabaşı & Ekici, 2018; Suto,2013; Pacino & Noftle, 2011; Potts, Schlichting, Pridgen, & Hatch, 2010; Prensky, 2001; Yağız, 2008).

  • The second important result about the student roles in the education of the future emerged as “studentship for socialization.” Fun learning environments, flexible school hours, opportunities to access information from almost everywhere, efficient use of the opportunities of technology, and maintaining their lives in peace with themselves and their environment by being in effective communication with their social environment can be evaluated as important indicators. This result obtained in the study is also similar to the results of similar studies (Kostenius, 2011; Lei, 2009).

  • The second important result about the role of the parents in the education of the future emerged as “parent as a guide.” Parents’ interest and participation in students’ learning have an important place in revealing their talents completely. According to the opinions of the participating teachers, it was concluded that the communication to be established between the student-teacher-parent can contribute positively to the motivation of the students. The literature data indicating that positive communication increases student motivation also supports this opinion (Çınkır & Nayır, 2017; Daniel, 2016; Özgan & Aydın, 2010; Park & Holloway, 2017).

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