The aim of this study is to develop an attitude scale that will reveal the attitudes of the students of education faculty towards violence against women and to conduct the studies of validity and reliability of this scale. According to this, the data collect from education faculty students. Then analyzed AFA and DFA and reliability. According to AFA results the scale has three dimensions which are Individual Perception, Individual Responsibility and Socio-Cultural and Economic Level. These dimensions are confirmed by DFA. The latter reliability is calculated. This coefficient is for all scale .87, and for subscales .88, .70 and .72. all of the results means that the scale, Violence Against Women, is valid and reliable.
The aim of this study is to develop an attitude scale that will reveal the attitudes of the students of education faculty towards violence against women and to conduct the studies of validity and reliability of this scale. According to this, the data collect from education faculty students. Then analyzed AFA and DFA and reliability. According to AFA results the scale has three dimensions which are Individual Perception, Individual Responsibility and Socio-Cultural and Economic Level. These dimensions are confirmed by DFA. The latter reliability is calculated. This coefficient is for all scale .87, and for subscales .88, .70 and .72. all of the results means that the scale, Violence Against Women, is valid and reliable.
@article{2017,title={A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing},abstractNode={The aim of this study is to develop an attitude scale that will reveal the attitudes of the students of education faculty towards violence against women and to conduct the studies of validity and reliability of this scale. According to this, the data collect from education faculty students. Then analyzed AFA and DFA and reliability. According to AFA results the scale has three dimensions which are Individual Perception, Individual Responsibility and Socio-Cultural and Economic Level. These dimensions are confirmed by DFA. The latter reliability is calculated. This coefficient is for all scale .87, and for subscales .88, .70 and .72. all of the results means that the scale, Violence Against Women, is valid and reliable. },author={Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen},year={2017},journal={International Online Journal of Educational Sciences}}
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen . 2017 . A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.DOI:null
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen.(2017).A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen,"A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing" , International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2017)
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen . 2017 . A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2017. DOI:null
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen .A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2017)
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen .A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2017)
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen. (2017) .A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen . A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2017 doi:null
Gonca Usta- Serkan Keleşoğlu, Yasemin Esen."A Scale on Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Towards Violence against Women: Validity and Reliability Testing",International Online Journal of Educational Sciences(2017)
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