The steps taken for education of gifted and talented individuals and the innovations are thought to be based on countries’ education policies and economic and global objectives. Where countries would like to be in global competition is reflected on education of gifted and talented individuals and its implementation. In this research, education policies of gifted and talented individuals and its implementations in the countries like Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and Turkey which have gained speed in the international patent numbers according to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are analyzed through document review. The horizontal and the descriptive approach which are the methods of the comparative education have been used in the research. In the related countries, the education of gifted and talented individuals is classified as Context, Regulations and Guidelines, Specific Provisions, Identification Process and Teacher Education. As a result of this study, it is seen that some significant steps have been taken and regulations have been carried out for the education of gifted and talented individuals in Germany, The Netherlands and Turkey. Nevertheless, the steps and regulations are limited in Sweden. The interest in I/Q tests usage for identification of gifted and talented individuals has decreased in Germany and The Netherlands and apart from mainstream schools, several different specific provisions have been provided for the identified individuals in the related countries. Furthermore, there are some deficiencies have been indicated in these four countries in terms of teacher education.
The steps taken for education of gifted and talented individuals and the innovations are thought to be based on countries’ education policies and economic and global objectives. Where countries would like to be in global competition is reflected on education of gifted and talented individuals and its implementation. In this research, education policies of gifted and talented individuals and its implementations in the countries like Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and Turkey which have gained speed in the international patent numbers according to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are analyzed through document review. The horizontal and the descriptive approach which are the methods of the comparative education have been used in the research. In the related countries, the education of gifted and talented individuals is classified as Context, Regulations and Guidelines, Specific Provisions, Identification Process and Teacher Education. As a result of this study, it is seen that some significant steps have been taken and regulations have been carried out for the education of gifted and talented individuals in Germany, The Netherlands and Turkey. Nevertheless, the steps and regulations are limited in Sweden. The interest in I/Q tests usage for identification of gifted and talented individuals has decreased in Germany and The Netherlands and apart from mainstream schools, several different specific provisions have been provided for the identified individuals in the related countries. Furthermore, there are some deficiencies have been indicated in these four countries in terms of teacher education.