Peer Supervision: An Alternative Approach İn Teachers’ Professional Development And School Achievement

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 3
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The aim of this research is to determine the efficacy of peer supervision, as an alternative supervision model, on school success and teachers’ career development with reference to the views of English teachers working at high schools. In accordance with this purpose, application of “peer supervision” was carried out at four different high schools in two different districts of Istanbul with the participation of 12 English teachers composing the working group and volunteers to take part in this research. The model of the research is formed as embedded mixed design. In the research, “single group pre and post-test model”, which is a pre-trial model, was adopted. Within this context, qualitative data was gathered through experimental research. Quantitative data of the research was gathered through “the survey of teachers’ views regarding the efficacy of peer supervision on high schools” and the qualitative data was gathered through “Class observation form” and “interview”, all of which were developed by the researchers. Quantitative data of the research was analysed via McNemar Bowker (X2) and Kappa tests. Qualitative data of the research was analysed depending on the style of collection of the data. The data collected through interview was analysed via content analysis. On the other hand, the data collected through class observation form was analysed using descriptive analysis method. At the end of the research, peer supervision was considered as an effective supervision approach by the teachers comprising the working group of the study. During the interviews done after the application of the study, teachers stated that peer supervision is an effective supervision model contributing to both schools and teachers’ career development. During the class monitoring sessions, teachers also observed 112 useful situations regarding the areas of “planning of teaching”, “teaching principles and methods” and “class management”.



The aim of this research is to determine the efficacy of peer supervision, as an alternative supervision model, on school success and teachers’ career development with reference to the views of English teachers working at high schools. In accordance with this purpose, application of “peer supervision” was carried out at four different high schools in two different districts of Istanbul with the participation of 12 English teachers composing the working group and volunteers to take part in this research. The model of the research is formed as embedded mixed design. In the research, “single group pre and post-test model”, which is a pre-trial model, was adopted. Within this context, qualitative data was gathered through experimental research. Quantitative data of the research was gathered through “the survey of teachers’ views regarding the efficacy of peer supervision on high schools” and the qualitative data was gathered through “Class observation form” and “interview”, all of which were developed by the researchers. Quantitative data of the research was analysed via McNemar Bowker (X2) and Kappa tests. Qualitative data of the research was analysed depending on the style of collection of the data. The data collected through interview was analysed via content analysis. On the other hand, the data collected through class observation form was analysed using descriptive analysis method. At the end of the research, peer supervision was considered as an effective supervision approach by the teachers comprising the working group of the study. During the interviews done after the application of the study, teachers stated that peer supervision is an effective supervision model contributing to both schools and teachers’ career development. During the class monitoring sessions, teachers also observed 112 useful situations regarding the areas of “planning of teaching”, “teaching principles and methods” and “class management”.


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