The Prediction Of Physical Education Teacher Candidates’ Achievement Goals Regarding Their Learning And Studying Approaches And Epistemological Beliefs

Author : -A. Meliha Canpolat
Number of pages :


The aim of this study is to define the relationship among Learning and Studying Approaches, Achievement Goal Orientations and Epistemological Beliefs of physical education teacher candidates who are studying at School of Physical Education and Sports. At the total of 502 students (233 female and 269 male) of five different universities volunteered to participant in this study. Multiple regression analysis with stepwise method shows that the highest proportion of the variance of the Learning–Approach Goal Orientation score was explained by The Belief of Learning Depends on Effort subscale. It is observed that The Belief of There is Only One True Truth subscale explained a significant part of the variance of the score of Learning-Avoidance Goal Orientation subscale. The Belief of Learning Depends on Ability subscale explained a significant of variance of the score of Performance-Approach Goal Orientation and Performance-Avoidance Goal Orientation subscales. Teacher candidates should be enabled to realize learning and studying approaches towards their own beliefs and education planning must be performed by considering their students’ features in the years to come



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